12th and final day of daily arts

thank you for the great start of my second season of daily art feel free to suggest someone else for me to draw so i can put them on the list

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day 11 of kazumi daily

the way i draw kazumi's hair i have wondered if its not cat ears or horns but thats just my own art style making it weird

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day 9 of kazumi daily art

im tired today so art took me allot longer than i wanted tho with some luck i will be able to still do other things today after some rest

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day 8 of kazumi daily

loud noises kept me up today so im really tired but not sleepy

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day 7 of kazumi daily

i woke up today with a massive headache and my disability kicking my butt i kinda wanna go back to bed i did that twice already and its getting boring so im just going to carefully get on with my normal day and hope it gos away

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day 6 of kazumi daily art

if i could crush my friends with more love and support than i do now i would

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i did my warmup but it left me unhappy turns out i was using the wrong brush so instead its the ending of the kazumi warmups with a colors

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i slept great till loud noises woke me up so now all i can draw is people sleeping

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today i have lost all meaning of time so i was going to keep things simple incase my health sends me to a nap

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I present you, the best chefs in the planet, did not watch the vod yet, so the accuracy ain't there xD. Gonna be finishing this mess in due time, just...... Not now

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Hiromi taught me love, Kazumi taught me passion, Iora Taught me hope, and every single one of you taught me, that I can be happy. Thank you for making 2021 one of, if not the best year of my life. Thank you for the memories. Love y'all❤

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Well well well,The salamander has grew older today aye? i guess i could say you’re too old to run around in this time

Anyway here’s my 2nd illustration of ,i forgot to tweet it yesterday lol

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I have lost my dignity as a lover of bangs for having trouble with this. It was the most frustrating seven hours of my life. But it was worth it. And I hope you like it .

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Congrats of 1k subs !!!! Shout out to Vtuber Simp for the help!

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the side of my hand still feels a bit bruised so instead of cool new art have some accidental drawings i did of friends while trying to draw other things

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havent drawn anything in a long, long while ;-; and i miss drawing so i made some

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made a small drawing of a vtuber OWO I just think her design is so cool! Just me sharing some art and love for Vtubers humu

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was feeling awful so even my usual warmups were a struggle i didnt even bother with normal art i just watched cool people on twitch

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