intentando un estilo propio con otro de mis ships que mas me gustan. si, soy multishiper jejeje.....

un kazuha enamorado y un scara negandolo, rikazo.

10 47

A llittle gift of Kazuha genshin! really love this guy! Thank you for being his amazing va ! Thank you for the hardwork in voice acting kazuha and your other characters!

1 10

you know those artists who can churn out fully rendered pieces in less than an hour? Yeah. That’s not me

0 3

Ew colors wtf
posting it at this time because people are asleep yes too lazy to use layers so just did this sht in 1 layer

3 17

"Nya-p time is the best time."

Nya 6wirl series ^^ Wanderer next!

15 77

anyways, another trade but putting tags this time lmao, the character with the blue thingy isn't mine

3 5

Kazuha is one of my mains in genshin , love teaming him with bonnet yea miko and zhongli

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