# kimchi

KCCN Kimchi Story Series 20

Lisa's Kimchi Dream
Lisa, a Korean drama🎬fan has always looked forward to eating the famous Korean Kimchi.

Lisa finally gets an opportunity to savor the distinct taste of Kimchi but got interrupted by Yoyo's cheerful growl; it was a dream!😣

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🆕KCCN Kimchi Story Series 15🍜

Why Koreans Say Kimchi When Taking Photos📷?

Do you know why Koreans say Kimchi when taking photos? Read slides to find out.

Kimchi Trivia☟:
What other words can you say when taking photos that help give a smile?

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KCCN Kimchi Story Series 3:

Why Kimchi is Popular

Click to read about why Kimchi is loved by the world.

Also, we have a trivia for you at the end of the thread, write a sentence that begins and ends with "Kimchi" in our mentions😁😁😁😁

Tag a friend to do same.

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Seoul Arts Centre (SAC) brings to life on stage Mozart's “The Magic Flute”. It is an enchanting story about Tamino who falls in love with the portrait, but is told that Pamina has been kidnapped by Sarastro, a high priest...
Date: August 21, 2019
Venue: KCCN Studio
Time: 4.00pm

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Seoul Arts Centre (SAC) presents Mozart's the Magic Flute screening ,It is an enchanting story about Tamino who falls in love with the portrait, but is told that Pamina has been kidnapped by Sarastro, a high priest...
Date: August 21, 2019
Venue: KCCN Studio
Time: 4.00pm

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Don't forget to join us at the first Monthly Korean Culture Day for 2018. It is taking place today at 4pm at the KCCN Studio and we will be looking at traditional Korean Kites. See you there!

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