ive decided to make the bugsnax boss cookies the same size as the bugsnax, i put wiggle next to daddy cakelegs and just made chilli pepper wiggle's height for this image

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She-Radimus Prima VS Hordalvatron
He-Mantimus Prime VS Skelegatron

94 518

((sinuntok ung hangin))


0 0

Today's redraw is from WeatherTheSkeleGhost(https://t.co/hWpRxaSrsX)!! Thank you for playing!

Original oc // My redraw 👁️🔪🔪

The perspective is weird but I didn't want to struggle too much in a game supposed to be fun, so that's what we got for now.

1 2

Pisting cliffhangerrrrr waaaaa KELEG

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(Belated) birthday gift for @/LycanMikeLegend
Hope you had a great one, mate!

8 49

이번주 토요일 일요일 강릉에서 만나요😎

8 30

2022 LCK summer finals
8.27 - 8.28

영혼의 꽃 리븐으로 함께합니다☺️💗
모두 강릉에서 만나요👊

14 44

이번주 주말!
강릉에서 뽀삐로 만나요💫

7 29

Baby cakelegs!

I built this cutie from the game Bugsnax on stream today in Blender for ~

1 9

when I look at the Skelegod design again yesterday I thought "Welllll I guess her horns are different enough, I think I'll stick to it"
but I also made a slightly updated head of the old design unto the new body anyway + heavy armored variant

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people keep saying i look like a prince waw keleg even my brother says so

0 10

Abis bimbingan skripsi tu rasanya lega, sebagian beban ilang, tp sebenernya nambah beban yg lain. kelegaan sesaat wkwk

fa idza faraghta fanshab, selesai 1 urusan, beranjak ke urusan yg lain, masya Allah, cemas tegang wakuwaku campur jadi satu


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