It seems that the bear likes it😙🤣A little foreplay then 😂🤣

9 25

So finally leaked a sneak peek after 8 months of building an amazing network and community of like minded MF’s. It is nothing that I imagined but everything I desired, so happy to be amongst some of the best in web3.

11 34

Brilliant 🔥🤩
LFG time for 😍 so now we are one month away from mint? 👀🔥 time is ticking mfs

4 16

Oldie but goodie.. When I started creating these memes who would have thought I was creating moments that turned into connections that will last a lifetime 💜 incoming 💙🍪

5 25

Practicing what I preach…#BitsAreImportant! Welcomed this bit home tonight! Shoutout to for being the real MVP.

23 71

1/4 & the has given me a lot in the last months! Many trophies and I met amazing people here! Love you fam.❤️
Thank you so much for taking me with you on this journey. Now it's time for me to give sth back.

19 40