“The air was soft, the stars so fine, the promise of every cobbled alley so great, that I thought I was in a dream.” Jack Kerouac, On the Road (Psychedelic Painting) (Rule of Thirds)

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Non c'era un'anima ad ascoltarlo perché nessuno ascolta un vagabondo tutti i vagabondi si parlano addosso cazzeggiando a vanvera e non si riesce a capire un tubo – parlano tutti insieme e fanno un sacco di confusione.

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“Il mare non parlava per frasi ma per versi”

Jack Kerouac, Big Sur


Jack Kerouac

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Jack Kerouac in mayoi lol

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“Una macchina veloce,
l’orizzonte lontano
e una donna da amare alla fine della strada.”

“On the road”

🖼S.Moon/Digital Collage

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Scende la sera
la ragazza dell’ufficio
scioglie la sua sciarpa.J.Kerouac

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hi, hello!
A simple greeting can make all the difference, remember to connect today. Change a life.

‘Arms folded
to the moon,
Among the cows’ — Jack Kerouac

How’s your today?
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