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Sorry for no post yesterday. My dayjob was brutal, so much so i lost like 2kgs while still eating on keto and still a kg down after having dinner... BUT I KNOW WHAT I WILL BE DRAWING FOR SECCI FRIDAY POST 😳😳😳
[#라움 아카데미 X #콜로소 / 온라인 클래스 OPEN]
온라인 교육 플랫폼 ʻ콜로소’에서 라움의 인기 강사 #케토 #KETO’ 선생님의 클래스가 오픈되었습니다.
💙탄탄한 세계관으로 완성하는 개성 있는 캐릭터 원화💙
클래스의 자세한 커리큘럼은 링크를 통해 확인해 주세요.
@Cry_is_free_QuQ keto’s just kind of a vague sea beast! inspired a bit by kaprosuchus
Tunnetko puiden asukkaat?
Suomen metsissä on vähän puulajeja, mutta niillä elää noin 12000 eliölajia! Metsien ihmeellisestä monimuotoisuudesta kertoo metsäekologian lehtori, kirjailija Petri Keto-Tokoi.
@orikirjasto 21.2.2023 klo 17.30
Vapaa pääsy! #Tarzan
🥑🥓Hope he has a artery alibi! Today's cartoon by @Nate_NotSoGreat https://t.co/inWnB4G55E Support Satire! Buy a subscription to Weekly Humorist! https://t.co/eNGH51VCha #cartoons #health #diet #fats #doctors #keto #atkins...
I manage to get 3 coworkers into Keto+fasting.
Now I keep an eye on them.
Dinovember means dino content <3
Here's some Keto stuff over time
This is a VERY late birthday gift for @Noobishgabe of his OCs Keto and Kento
Writer keto shimizu wrote the Arrow 2.5 comic and from what I've read it's pretty good. So I have a proposition:
I'd absolutely love a comic tie in or even a general novel on legends of tomorrow between the 3rd and 4th season.
Since #DnDcharacter is trending here's a couple of mine!
Keto: Undine Adept Druid! Mix of Water magic & lycanthropy!
Mala: Ifrit Cleric! Holy Fire magic aided by a demonic figure!
Honi: Wolf Laguz Rogue! Dagger and Claws!
Wolfgandra: Bloodrager! Longsword!