They aren't ink but can I get away with pencil? :p also hello everyone :)

Oh and I'm Kezlock, thanks for the share and everyone for sharing.

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Hello everyone, im Kezlock and I don't really know what Im doing but I made some things :)

Happy St Patrick's day 🍀

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Hi everybody :) thanks for the thread in Kezlock here's some stuff I feel like I've started to make some progress with :) I also have Question for other digital artists.. What software do you like to use and on thst software what brushes /brush set do you like to use?

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock, these are some recent pieces and my goal is escape from my retail hell 😂 🏪

Thanks for the thread and all the inspirational work that people share :) ❤️

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock, thanks for the thread and sharing your art :) heres some of mine that I prepared earlier :) also here's some nice supportive artists who make cool stuff

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock, thanks for the thread I look forward to seeing everyone's work :)

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Hi everybody I'm kezlock, I like to draw in pencil and digitally. I'm just trying to get better and learn so I can stop working retail (and because I enjoy drawing)

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Hi there everybody I'm Kezlock, Im still experimenting with various digital programs and techniques to find a style and method I enjoy :) I love coming to these threads to find inspiration :) ❤️

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock :) I fresh to the illustration scene but it cheers me up to create stuff one day I hope to use it to quit retail jobs forever!!¡¡

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock still an illustration novice but working hard to improve really want to get to the point where I can illustrate my own stories. Thanks for sharing everyone :) ❤️

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock, I'm fairly new to illustration but my goal/dream would be to get to a point where I could earn at least a single penny from a piece of work this year :) 💷 love coming to this threads and seeing everyone's awesome art 🎨 thanks for the thread.

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Hi everybody, I'm Kezlock I'm still fairly new to illustration but I feel like like I'm getting to a point I can stop saying that soon ^^ I seem to have moved exclusively into digital but I'm sure more pencils sketches will return. Thanks for the thread :) and all the cool art.❤️

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock I'm fairly new to illustration, I seem to be leaning more towards digital nowerdays :) thanks for the thread and for everyone sharing their great art works which give me so much inspiration :) ❤️ my favorite game is the last of us. Excited for part 2!

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Hi everybody I'm Kezlock, I'm fairly new to illustration but I'm having a lot of fun. I tend to draw in pencil or digital :) excited to see everyone's work in the new year ❤️

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Hi there everyone I'm Kezlock. I'm still fairly new to illustration I usually but I've just started experimenting more with digital :) thanks for the share and the sharing :) 🖋 🖥 ✏ ♥

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Hi everybody, I'm Kezlock. I'm fairly new to illustration but I like to draw in pencil and digital :) thanks for the thread and everyone for sharing their art :)

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Initial sketch and some iterations for my profile avatar. i decided to go for a simpler image in order to keep its readability at smaller sizes

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