Nightwing: "Oh yeah, KGBeast shot me while you guys were gone."
Starfire: "I'LL KILL HIM!"

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I can’t remember if I’ve seen KGBeast under the costume before but damn he beat Bane’s ass wtf

Not surprised considering he’s one of the villains close to being Batman’s equal 🤧

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Nightwing is out today. Wally West and Dick Grayson team up to take down a myth. And Flash has words with the KGBeast.
and crushing it on art. Hope you dig it.

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If we are talking lesser known villains, I had two in mind that I would like to see for Rob’s Batman; KGBeast and Prometheus

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Know how in BaleBats says
"I'm not going to kill you...but I don't have to save you?"


Like that time he shot the GRUNT out of KGBeast, breaking his neck with his grappling gun after
KGBeast shot Nightwing.

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