A small pause before diving back into the tense and complicated world of Nue Staregrade

0 1

I’m taking super discounted commissions and if you dm me we can discuss prices. Here are some examples. Please share around, I don’t know what else to do at this point.

87 115

So I just played and it was too fun! I never got to be the but I'm never good at explaining myself always

1 1

Minami Genji
- KnY oc!
- water breath, uses naginata
- hobbies include fishing and annoying people with her positivity
- brute strength
- killedhermomandgotkickedoutofhervillageCOUGH

Kyouki Ranbu - garnidelia https://t.co/VD1Pl2wz7u

1 4

welcome to the "KickedOutOfTheSteamTeamBecauseWeWeren'tMakingEnoughMoneyClub" boys

8 37

and I looking cute together
Thanks to !!!111!!1!

1 3