Here’s the cover to Kid Eastwood 14!

This issue is maybe my favourite in the series so far. I won’t spoil anything about it’s contents but make of that what you will.

This issue comes out December 10th!

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The hierarchy of indie superhero comics is about to change

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Snippet of a cover I drew yesterday. It’ll be a while before I post the full version.

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Just got done with this massive 50+ character colour spread celebrating the end of Kid Eastwood series 1!

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Here’s the cover for my second self-published graphic novel Kid Eastwood volume 2!

Over 300 mind-melting pages of superhero mayhem with a ton of exclusive bonus comics and a massively expanded sketchbook section, coming your way soon!

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Also, while I’m at it, here’s the cover of Kid Eastwood 11, the final issue of the mini-series!

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I’m taking a break for a few weeks while 10 comes out to plan the last issue. I did finish the cover though, which you’re seeing a zoom in of.

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A wind-down sketch from tonight!

I’ve been pulling multiple page days this week and they’re beginning to take their toll, but still, gotta keep trucking!

Only 38 pages left of issue 10!

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Changed my mind, here’s the full cover! It's gonna take a good few months before this is done, but it'll absolutely be worth it.

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New characters for a superhero team I designed yesterday who are set to appear in issue 10!

The Zeroes are Yew Nork’s worst rated superheroes and perhaps least capable, but that won’t stop them from trying to thwart evil!

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Power before he was Power!

I created this character when I was 7 or 8 years old! It’s a blast being able to redraw some of the stories I did back then into this backup story!

I’m really excited for people to read this story.

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Uni-Colin’s back, and he’s ready to break a certain someone in half.

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Doing something a bit different for issue 8’s back cover, but it’s something fun none the less.

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Uni is done for the week, time to start working on issue 8!

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WIP shot of the main cover for issue 7. While airbrushing served me well for issues 3-6, taking these covers a more painterly route has been really satisfying and lands on that copic-like look I’ve been trying to nail down.

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With Uni starting last week, I haven’t had a ton of time to out into comic stuff. That said I did throw together this mock-up of the Volume 1 cover and I’ve gotta say, I am so incredibly excited to make this a thing.

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I forget to post these all the time but here’s the back cover and synopsis for issue 5! The art here was a wind down sketch I adapted to include KE. It’s coming real soon!

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Been lacking motivation for the last few days but got done with a new cover

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