Another piece from a while back of summers past for exploring at night while camping.
What was that sound?

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Sharing some more fun, Taking the Plunge. My skin tingles at the memory of the first bold jump of the summer into the cold lake.

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I’m actually partial to scoops, but there’s something nostalgically summery about soft serve, from the seasonal opening of the Dairy Queen by my grade school to learning how to make that curlicue on top when I worked at a park snack bar in college.

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I remember learning to swim in a class and the second I kicked off the wall I splashed around only to sink. But I learned and loved to swim every summer.

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Im Schwimmbad haben die Pommes immer am besten geschmeckt und das ist zu 100% die Wahrheit.

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My next post! My BFF and I liked trying to walk her big German Shepard Sammy. She was a sweet dog unless she spotted any non human living thing and then she could pull us for what felt like miles. RIP Sammy

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Revisiting a piece I did about 9 yrs ago. A friend recently reached wanting to buy a copy of the original illo for their kiddo, and as much as I love it, I felt it needed an update.

Original title of this piece: “I Think We Found the Hamster”

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Wer hat sich das früher auch so vorgestellt? Wenn die Schnecke nicht rausguckt, dann ist sie gerade gemütlich bei Tee oder hält ein Nickerchen 🐌 Ich bin mir heutzutage nur zu 70% sicher, dass das nicht stimmt... 😁 und außerdem eine buchstäbliche

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For my first challenge for - creek wading. I spent hours playing in the creek near my house, with friends but often alone. I am so glad we live near a creek now so my kids can experience that too.

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Eine meiner schönsten Erinnerungen an Sommertage als Kind.

Wir hatten ein wunderschönes Waldschwimmbad im Ort und der Weg dort hin, mit dem Rad durch den Wald, war schon ein Abenteuer für sich.

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I love the many colors of water. This is a painting of a couple of dolphins that I did a while ago for this week’s

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My first offering for 's drawing challenge 2k19! Once we graduated from the tiny plastic kiddie pool, our best bet for swimsuit cooldown time was a dash through the sprinkler with the neighbors. ☀️

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Here is my memory : trying to see how many kids could ride on one bike !

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(8/9) Before we could get in the car we had to wash our feet off with ocean water so we didn’t get take sand home. ❤️

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(7/9) Whenever we had a party at the beach i would build sand castles using a party cup. Anyone else do this?

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