Operation distraction is still on, despite every app being down and my terrible cold 🤧
Today, I offer you steamy kierarktina because I thought we deserve beautiful things after all the pain ✨️

Are you distracted?

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Vengo a dejar mi dibujo Kierarktina, viva el amor ahre <3

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Polyamorous love is valid and deserves more recognitions!
I love these three so much 💙

Characters belong to

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Mark, Cristina and Kieran 💚
I had so much fun making this! Elite is a TV show I really like and doing this crossover was the best thing ever lol 😂 Cristina being a savage and confronting the Clave and the Cohort is my religion

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Cristina, Mark and Kieran from by . I ship them soo hard I could scream.

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