yo dejo a kiku por aquí (transfem) https://t.co/uflesnQzXG

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They're criticizing One Piece as if there isn't already a trans rep in the same arc who is not GNC, O-Kiku (a trans woman)
Wano has 2 trans characters, Yamato is GNC, and O-Kiku isn't

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Trans people who dont transition the way people want them to exist in real life, and theres nothing wrong with it
Oda knows how to portray gender conforming trans people, as kiku is a trans women, yamato just isnt gender conforming. And theres nothing wrong with that. https://t.co/1uHrMVIv8W

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🌿 Portrait of my unicorn Kiku. It didn't take that long to make the art, only 4 days ✨

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[ after bath scene in chap 1052 ] nami asks kiku how she fell for zoro....

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Starting next week, I'll be teaching, for the first time, a class on the literature of Japanese American incarceration. The reading list is 100% work by survivors and descendants of the prisons, detention centers, and concentration camps. [Image: from Kiku Hughes's Displacement]:

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meanwhile Kiku is me on the past, where I were smiled and brighten more than I used to be nowadays.

I didn't finish her clothes but sketch and add more detail from my clothes too
Third one editing to rad uniform.

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marketable kiku plush

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Kiku Honeyedpaws!
Done commission for dear Whiteknight19~

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once again asking you to commission kiku-san, they are very talented with a super cute artstyle 🫶🐇🧡 https://t.co/n51C4YT0rp

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commission kiku!!!! they are so very talented and a big inspiration to my artwork, look out these drawings they made of me https://t.co/xelzonlSGK

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Finished this awesome for of Kiku from One Piece as her English Voice Actress !


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Kiku has a surprise for you

Little doodle i did on stream today, thanks to everyone who came to lurk

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