It's been a long time since I drew something Kingdom Hearts related. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

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Listen, this is exactly what happened🔥Inspired In the videos by just a pancake on YouTube

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Kairi if she drank Mountain Dew...and if someone took it from her...and she got angry about it.

Yeah, I don't know lol

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In this house hold we love and appreciate Kairi. My bb is all grown up and about to kick some ass I’m so proud

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Who's ready for the DLC?

Based off of ' Palpatine's Journey, which never fails to put a smile on my face! 💖 Please check it out if you haven't:

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Saw the trailer for and saw my favorite girl in it so I had to draw her 😊

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a n g e l s i n f l i g h t

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oathkeeper form sora looks so good. im so excited for

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