quick sketch of genderbent on a horse, featuring some... distracted driving 😏

this is for a kinkmeme prompt that has been lingering in my head since I first read it. hopefully someone will fic it one day, but until then I can only do my poor best to provide a visual.

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『 where do you think you were going? you promised me a hentai night!! 』
the daiken 💙💚 discord is hosting a & kinkmeme drive in april: https://t.co/3c9DhQi0Yf

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Balthus/Claude Bodyguard AU from the kinkmeme!

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This kinkmeme fill (https://t.co/z5r7vZVrZ5) has been living rent free in my head since the author started posting new chapters every day without fail, I'm so amazed...

Bless you OP for filling my daily angst/whump needs... 😭 now I'm excited for the last two comfort chapters

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My professor!WenRuoHan from the college AU I'm writing for the kinkmeme (WRH/JC).

Guys, I'm in love.

(made on https://t.co/Mp8AN0wBUg)

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some claurenz for the kinkmeme bc 1) i love they and 2) im battling art block and needed to do something fun

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i attempted the kinkmeme where sylvain is older and gained a bit of weight so here is the daddyvain we all deserve (and ofc felix loves his thicker husband :3c

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Hanzo 6 + 22 Coloured! He.. looks like a comic book Pin-up and i dont hate it 😂😂🙏 & hope you like the finished product ❤️

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