Day 1 - Sweet treats
[Is someone trying to have an indirect kiss?]

"Hey, Bakugou... Do you want some of my tea?"

304 2158

Well, it isn't exactly faithful to the original... Anyways, it has been fun imagining what would have happened if these two had been hit by a quirk on their tongues.

Stuck for a whole day! :'D


56 472

algo rapido para el dia 3 de la pq la verdad me muero de sueño pero queria hacer algo para hoy tambien, puede q lo suba terminado a ig :3

19 199

day 1: pets / dia 1: mascotas
aaaa que lindos me salieron version perrito y gatito :3 con este dibujo me uno a la espero poder hacer todos los dias un dibujo o aportar con algo

40 404

I’ve started drawing them and I can’t stop 😭

4 66

Part 2 of Pink! Deleted the other version of the sequel (I didn't know where to go from there). But I'm back to making some comics, this series should have 5 parts💕

6 61

Late night piece featuring late night boys :]

208 1219

Quick doodle in honor of my dear ‘s college AU ✨
Two best friends in a room… they might kiss 👀

83 803

Day 27 ~ Vampiros
Me encantan los vampiros de antes... Esos como los de entrevista con el vampiro 🧛‍♂️🧛🏼‍♂️

✨✨No repost✨✨

17 249

Day 23 - Strawberry / Fresa

English 💛 Español

Katsuki comes home, Kirishima is sitting in the living room ... Look at the baby haha

✨✨No repost✨✨

34 336