Love is in the air, and so is catnip. Let's curl up together and purrfect our cuddles🐾💕

52 464

Let's spread some joy and happiness, nyaa~! 🥰

25 226

Every time you look my way, my heart skips a beat💥❤️

43 473

Each time I see you, your smile gives me light ❤️

58 511

Hi~ Cutie ❤️
You look extra handsome today ☺️
I'm feeling really happy right now!

37 432

Don't push yourself too hard, okay? *patpat*

38 373

Hey there cutie~ ❤️
I wanted to tell you since a while, but I didn't have the courage ;w;
I was waiting for the right time.

Wanna go out with me? (/ω\)

40 563

I love your smile~
You are cute when you smile ❤️

34 349

Wanna have a sleepover? 💕

5 46

I’m kind of catching feelings for you (/ω\)

51 428

Someone can't wait to be your dance date ❤️
Are you a good dancer, cutie? 💬

53 590

I love you to infinity ❤️
Never give up 👍👑

16 148

What would you say if I asked you to come over right now? 🥰

82 1000

You are the sunshine in my life, Darling ❤️
Lets do our best together 🥰

53 627