11/**an illustration with a spaceman walking through space and stars in the background, in the style of psychedelic rock, gigantic scale, robert kirkman, dark, foreboding colors, mushroomcore, album covers, elaborate spacecrafts --v 5**

(Original Left)

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TW: explicit misogyny
Props to Kirkman for making Eve's dad just the grossest kind of douchebag, really effective at making me hate his guts.
Worth it for the Mark reaction panels.

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Angstroms mysterious benefactors feel like the seeds of a potential big bad thread Kirkman was sewing, or maybe it was always a bit of an intentional red herring, hard to say.

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Kirkman loves the splash pages dedicated to a single character close up and this one is no slouch, I definitely think Conquest is a character whose design feels fully informed by Ottleys style, so much of his personality comes through in just how Ryan draws his expressions

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Love when Kirkman includes little future teases in his dialogue.

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Kirkman really likes vomit gags lol.

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I love that Allen's new strength just means he gets to be even more amicable because he knows he doesn't need to be.
I know Kirkman isn't the biggest Superman fan but that's some good Superman shit.

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4of4. All my Marvel Team-Up covers! Btw - i left MTU after issue 10 by snafu: the book was be “cancelled at issue 10”. My editor found my next job. But Robert Kirkman - the writer- wound up convincing marvel, several times, to keep the book going! Oh well!

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It's actually kind wild that there's no Invincible wedding issues...I wonder if Kirkman just doesn't like weddings?

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I love that Kirkman finally gave readers what they've been asking for. Mark finally undeniably wins a fight...and he still loses.

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Again, it's really interesting how fascinated with the concept of deviated aging Kirkman is, to me it feels like him sort of tugging at the feeling of timelessness in most cape comics, in a lot of comics time is at the behest of the story, so in Invincible it's the biggest enemy.

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While Mark is away, we get our first proper introduction to Brit and Techjacket, two other Kirkman creations. He kinda used Invincible the way Fire Emblem uses Super Smash Bros.

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The Geldarians actually predate Invincible and from another Robert Kirkman created comic (which I will mention again later on...)

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It is very funny to me that Kirkman just kept up the bit that Rick was the same Rick from Sleepwalker

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Then, in true Kirkman fashion, we get a cheeky "Where I Really Come From" reference splash page.

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With Nolan gone the world really seems to open up as Kirkman begins zeroing in on the supporting cast more and more, we finally get to learn the deal with Monster Girl's powers and start to see the seed of her situationship with Robot.

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Derek is another plot line that kinda just gets dropped, probably as Kirkman realized it was far too similar to Rick's later characterization.

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Wild that Cecils' iconic teleporter is only now introduced as it plays such a pivotal role in the shows depiction of the character.

(Also Kirkman is such a Trekkie)

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So this is a kind of deep cut easter egg that I don't see talked about too often, but Rick is actually named after Rick Sheridan, the human host to Marvel's Sleep Walker, which is a favorite of Kirkmans.
He was actually set to write a new SW book when he was writing this!

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