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今回も「Shikishi Festa」に直筆色紙を描かせて頂きました!
今回はイベント会場にて整理券をもらう必要がありますのでご希望の方はご注意くださいー! https://t.co/nS3PiNvn4n

14 67

月白アカネ-Tsukishiro Akane

2 11

Thanks to the commission from BloodEmblem! I had the opportunity to create the original character, Tsukishiro Akane!

6 20

Artist • Makishima
• 13,000¥ (87 USD)

Link in replies🔻

16 157

dear god please take all of his suffering and give it to tsukishima

136 1421

Follower’s person let me know about Rikiishi soul is same soul of John Silver of Treasure Island, Manabu Ohashi said it. The person told me that Manabu Ohashi must have connected Rikishi's soul to John Silver, and I cried.

1 16


12 38

(1/2) Happy Birthday Tohru Adachi, Nonoha Itou, Bord Lx & Jinbei Tsukishima!💯🤠🤠😍🥰😊🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉

1 3

Inglis Eucus (イングリス・ユークス) |
Anime: Eiyuuou, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tenseisu: Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi♀

165 1425


Tebak dimana Tsukishima dalam foto ini

16 469

KishinamiWakerShoets 2024年1月号

41 55


52 185

3月17日は同人イベ774オンリーとmico sekishiro(堰代ミコ)のソロイベがあるぞ!

18 47

*hq warning SPOILER

Serve and block. The weapon and the shield of karasuno. Yamaguchi and tsukishima 😭👏 apa ga pada merinding liat scene ini ada di layar bioskop...

49 363

🦑 Adakah yang masih nyari shikishi sp ini? kalo mau rep aja nanti sender samperin 👀

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