5: Meeting Another Magical Girl
Once the labyrinth disappears, Kiyoka discovers who ruined her debut! "That was supposed to be my first witch! You owe me!" she yells at the other magical girl. Tsuruno stops Kiyoka's rage by treating her to dinner at Banbanzai.

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3: Magical Girl Form
A redesign of her magical girl outfit! Tried to make the background look like the Magia Record card art

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2: Her Wish
Kiyoka met Kyuubey in the middle of her largest panic attack ever. As soon as he explained that he could grant any wish in exchange for becoming a magical girl, Kiyoka made her wish. "I just want to escape...from my thoughts and from any situation."

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1: Normal Life
Kiyoka Seto is a first-year at Mizuna's Girls School. Outside of school she does karate and piano. She's pretty sleep-deprived, so she falls asleep in class a lot! She looks forward to lunch because she gets to eat the yummy sandwiches she packed!

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