FEB 21 Pt4:
4: Emphasis on escalation of conflict. Stronger evolutions / summoning the Zords to fight bigger and stronger foes
5: Can fuse into a more powerful form (Omegamon / Megazord)
6: Teams later joined by another character, forever changing the status quo

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fave non-tri movie: i love our war game BUT actually i think it's the galaxy brain localization amalgamation monster that is digimon: the movie; it's 3 movies in 1! it definitely makes sense! don't worry about it!! whatever your opinion, i maintain that it is ART

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FEB 18 Pt1: My real answer to this is Part 1.

But with that out the way, I'm going to talk a bit about my seemingly unpopular opinion of why I like Part 4 as much as I do - once I'm home from work.

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FEB 14 Pt3: Also, I'm probably the only one advocating for this cross-franchise ship; Sora Takenouchi and Jason Lee Scott.


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whoops slipped behind a day

FEB 10: All of the Digimon/human partnerships work so well for different reasons, so picking a "favourite" wasn't easy. But after much deliberation I'm giving the edge to Taichi and Agumon.

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10. I've talked Izzy/Tentomon enough already so I'll say Matt/Gabumon. Very sweet relationship, them not even having to talk in the last 01 ep is just perfect.

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FEB 6: Really, it's a toss-up between Adventure '99 and tri. So I'll talk about both.

'99 was my entry point, kept me hooked with its ongoing narrative, and was probably the main influence in my interest in Japan, its culture, and eventually the language. (1/3)

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expectations: look, its going to be epilogue: the movie, i expect nothing so therefore i cannot be disappointed, but i am also a VERY easy target and anything and everything WILL make me emotional, im sorry,

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