For day day 12 of jock x punk! Keith is a sweet jock and Lance is a cheery punk ig?
OH and they’re dating!

17 103

7. Love bug
Damn I’m far behind ...yikes..

4 9

BONUS! some different expressions bc I love this dynamic ok??

3 30

Last one for this prompt (and my fave)!!! Flustered Lance and a super honest/blunt Keith is just *chef's kiss*

25 143

Klance trope month 2021
Day 5: There’s only one bed (with S1-S2 klance dynamic)

So, I decided to participate in
While I'm not gonna draw the whole month, I'll be drawing some tropes

194 745

no crop no crop no crop 🤩
(angsty lovebug au based on the fic Love Bite(s) by ArchetypeOfAdespota on AO3!!)

0 14

Keith's pissed off at some alien for referring to Lance as "my friend" even tho THEY DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A BONDING MOMENT TOGETHER >:O

21 97

This one's a scene from Love Bite(s) by ArchetypeOfAdespota

ok ok so I ADORE the lovebug prompt for soo I drew 3 diff drawings for it bc I DO WHAT I WANT 😤

13 66

Day 28: nightmare/cuddling

Keith comforts Lance after a nightmare by listening to some calming music with him and cuddling. Is he super sleepy? Sure, but like hell is he gonna leave Lance alone.

Is it the middle of June? Yep! And I still haven’t given up!!!

13 57

Day 27: woke up married.

Quick and lazy, this weeks been a low energy week. But I’m almost done!!

12 51

Day 25: fluff

Not my most spectacular piece so far, but this month is about practice over perfection. And for my first time drawing Kosmo, I’m not mad X)

11 45

Day 23: Ball/Formal.

I don’t have much context, but we all know Keith would escape any formal event first chance he gets. But he’ll make time for a dance with Lance

7 55

Day 22: pet names

Keith rarely says em, Lance loves them. They’re out drinking with the gang when Keith gets sappy and wants to love on Lance but is shy, luckily Lance’s jumpers big enough for them both. Lance is smitten 🥰

48 173

Day 18: Forbidden Love.

Keith and Lance have to hide their relationship (why? I’ll let you decide) making excuses for trips out of town, sharing hotel rooms.

(Did I just use this as an excuse to draw Lance in nothing but an oversized shirt? Yes)

20 80

Day 17: stranded together.

Keith and Lance get stranded on an island somehow, but they find a pretty waterfall and make the most of it.

28 123

Day 15: flustered.

Keith loves to mess with Lance.

18 90