Today we will be giving away one + a Top Dog City white list spot to one lucky winner!

To Enter:
1️⃣ Join our discord:
2️⃣ Follow

♥️ & ♻️ to spread the word!
⏰48 Hours!

178 325

Everyday is a good day for gratitude but as a special thank you today, we present this 1/1 by to - Special agent extraordinaire ~ hope you enjoy it ~ We appreciate you

49 151

❤️❤️couldn’t agree more, still under value and over deliver❤️better watch out as floor is rising 👀

1 1

I'm making a promise right now. will reach a 1ETH floor again very very soon. The community is something I've never seen before with constant engagement and communication from the team. I'm so happy I got one, just unhappy I didn't get more

28 95


Win Koala Agent (~$850)

1- Like and Retweet this
2- Follow me and
3- Reply this tweet with and tag 3 NON Walla friends

If you own Koalas, they MUST be delisted!

Winner announcement: Monday Nov 22nd @ 8pm EST

255 315

❤️❤️Here is mine🐨#KODL4LIFE

1 2

Early august I decided I wanted to start my nft journey the question was which one after a couple weeks I stumbled onto I minted my first nft project and haven’t looked back. Since then I picked up 2 other projects building up my small collection 🔥😄

25 91