Baby Sling
Mischevous Hoop

10 42

With Koemon.
BetelGammamon has great power and deep love in his small body, I think.

39 124

Os presento a el nuevo integrante de mi línea evolutiva para Koemon.
Dibujado por el talentoso artista:

Nivel: Bebé II
Atributo: Virus / Datos

Línea Evolutiva:
Nyokimon > Bushymon > Koemon > Sabaemon > Evemon > Mervamon

20 47

WAIT WHOA Koemon's art is set in the same room where you get him or Kotemon in Digimon World 3, that is ADORABLE

0 4

Todos los doraemons son lindos (all of the doraemons are cute)

No les mentiré (cant deny that)

Pukoemon incluido (pukoemon included)

0 2