Todos los doraemons son lindos (all of the doraemons are cute)

No les mentiré (cant deny that)

Pukoemon incluido (pukoemon included)

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WAIT WHOA Koemon's art is set in the same room where you get him or Kotemon in Digimon World 3, that is ADORABLE

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Os presento a el nuevo integrante de mi línea evolutiva para Koemon.
Dibujado por el talentoso artista:

Nivel: Bebé II
Atributo: Virus / Datos

Línea Evolutiva:
Nyokimon > Bushymon > Koemon > Sabaemon > Evemon > Mervamon

20 47

With Koemon.
BetelGammamon has great power and deep love in his small body, I think.

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Baby Sling
Mischevous Hoop

10 42

DigiPoll results:

🥇Ajatarmon 19%
🥈Sealsdramon 11%
🥉Digitamamon 11%
4. Archnemon 9%
5. Vamdemon 9%
6. Dark Lizamon 8%
7. Morphomon 7%
8. Koemon 5%
9. Skull Greymon 5%
10. Petermon 3%
11. Frozomon 2%
12. Phelesmon 2%
13. Asuramon 2%
14. Splashmon 2%

19 90


Based On: Goemon
From: Goemon series by Konami

11 26

Wah yang tadi streaming tu Emonika! Dibajak akun youtubeku owo... Perkenalkan, my name is Emonika, my comission created by Thank you so much! She is so beautiful~🥰✨

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The Timelapse of my drawing of Koemon.

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More reposts from 2021 till I have time to draw new stuff.

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It's been a loooooot ass time since I've posted digimon partners on here but I'm glad to get back to it.

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