for day 7: free day! 🌙🦊🌸

and a happy belated mikakogi day!!

3 8


prompt: intimate
cisswap, slightly spicy

5 8

a lil something for day 1's prompts🌙🦊

"The beautiful moon and the cunning fox.....But which one is standing before you?"

4 5

i havent been able to draw anything decent lately so like....... take these awful doodles

1 6

New year time to bring back the kogimika mood

0 6

โอนี่ซามะ ข้าว่าข้าเมาแล้วล่ะ..ฮะฮะฮะ

2 6

“Night Stage” (1/5)
Touken Ranbu KogiMika Doujinshi. Touken Musical background, a romantic backstage story of KogiMika after the show<3

17 70

i forget i was ever into tourabu..... and how much i loved KOGIMIKA

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I still find this funny
Evolution of The Pose™

0 3

Happy Holidays !! I hope you enjoy some cute kogimika~~ ❄️🎁🎄❄️

2 6

warm kogimika for the soul

0 3

WIP of my abandoned cover draft. I'll pick it up in the future, hopefully...!

0 2



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Sketch of my new kogimika book cover, still work in progress. xd

0 3

kogimika/akakuro/kogi fanarts in progress \o/

0 1