"Travelling in a Globalised World as an Existential Experience: The Graphic Novel in The Water", by Rachel Weissbrod & Ayelet Kohn - https://t.co/2AX5sHS8Qj

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Con leggerezza pensami,
con leggerezza dimenticami.

Marina Cvetaeva
André Kohn 🎨

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“Beautiful World” Digital Art Contest
Submission “Love is love” by matan kohn
Submissions are accepted through July 21 at:

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Sei come il mare,
tu culli le stelle.
Sei il campo d’amore,
tu unisci e separi
i folli e gli amanti.
Sei la fame e il pane,
la sete e la grande ebbrezza
e l’ultimo connubio
tra sogno e virtù.
P Éluard

Andre Kohn

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Solitude is independence.

~ Hermann Hesse

~ Adre Kohn

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Art by André Kohn
Fashion is a trend.
Style lives within a person.
--Oscar de la Renta.

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GM 🐣☀️

It’s throwback Thursday! Here’s a study of Andre Kohn’s art. It’s a pen piece I created last 2018.

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Lounging Around by Arnold Kohn https://t.co/mb7TaF22AH

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..tu sentisti un rumore di cuore infranto..e lì dalle tenebre mi sollevai al tuo petto...
sorsi per vivere tra le tue mani,
mi sollevai dal mare alla tua gioia


 Andre Kohn

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Painting by Andre Kohn (Russia) -- Pic found on Arts Backstage: https://t.co/bOt7IbNuvY

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