Make sure you Sweep those KoKS! Sweeping event is LIVE KoK 2.0 burn coming soon!!!!

Beautiful KoK 2.0 ICON Valkyrie thanks to the best artist

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👍🏼, ♻️, and tag 3 of your VNFT friends! Win in 48 hrs

In celebration of the Nemesis collection burn date on October 8th, I am giving away 2 KoKs to a random winner who completes these 3 tasks above!

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If you are not in Dragons of Singapura yet , I have no idea what you’re doing. We’ve got Baby dragons growing up into teens right now! We have KoKs evolving! We have $Dragon coin surging ! And better yet we have elements dropping September 15! Dm me for the invite code!

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SHOWROOM Kira Koks - ТЦ Новый Привоз, 4 этаж, маг.№ 41 - 093-676-55-56

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