Made some more of 's kolorean ocs! Meet C-2000 and C-2010, aka Zahra and Mikey!

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My trio of koloreans! We got C-005,C-007,and C-1500!

1 3

¡¡Pongámosle todo nuestro color, nuestro matiz a este día!
¡Ofrezcamos un buen brochazo de nuestro corazón al mundo!

18 87

Hemen duzue Yurre Ugarte eta bion artean egin dugun komikiaren azala! Bi koloreak euskarazko eta gaztelaniazko edizioak bereizteko dira. Laister izango dugu esku artean! Adi! ✌️✌️✌️

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My name is Barry Yusufu, a visual artist from Abuja Nigeria.. These are some of my most recent art works..
Kindly RT.

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My name is Barry Yusufu and I am a visual artist from Abuja Nigeria. I am the founder of I am an over expressive artist and it's okay.

8 16

My name is Barry Yusufu and I call my style of art I work with different mediums.

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I wouldn't just call myself a hyperrealistic artist, no I am an Artist and I love to express myself fully. This piece is titled The Baptism of the creative.
Medium : Charcoal and Acrylic on strathmore paper. pls like and RT 🙏🏽

13 30