Pallas Athena

Homer's epic works, Athena's most common epithet is Glaukopis, which usually is translated as, "bright-eyed" or "with gleaming eyes".

Another meaning of glaukopis is “owl-eyed”

Athena is also described with grey or blue eyes.

Jan Styka
1858 - 1925

7 30

Itsuki bought for 0.02 ETH (26.73 USD) by kopish from 0x63ba8a

0 0

Just read this manga called Takopi's Original Sin. I thought it was gonna be heartwarming and cute, but turned out to be pretty dark and with a twist at the end 😭 The ending was still sad for me, now I can’t stop drawing Takopi

3 13

Takopis original sin, it's only 2 volumes

0 0

Itsuki bought for 0.09 ETH (93.31 USD) by MashaLince from kopish

0 0

Itsuki bought for 0.07 ETH (75.27 USD) by DLALOCKDOWN from kopish

0 0

Kopisanangan!! 👋🏼👋🏼 Im a dusun who was born and grow up in semenanjung but now has moved and live in Sabah! heres some of my recent arts;

10 28

Karyaku di repost pemain bola idola dan ada juga baru aja kmaren2 karyaku dinotice bu

0 1

Got my tax refund and immediately sent it back out of my account for archery lol also thanks for recommending Lykopis because it's AWESOME

0 2

Perjuangan belum selesai ngopi dulu...dg pas kopinya 😊

1 3

semangat pagi bu susi

Bismillaah Bulan penuh Berkah, hari ini moga2 banyak yg order art, fee seikhlasnya tuk survive di masa sulit ini. Smg kita smw sehat & sukses selalu, amiin
DM/WA 0812 9042 1115

0 0

Mengapa kami tidak Ragu bergabung di ?

Karena ketagasan dan kinerja Ibu inilah yang ada.

*Salam hormat 🙏

20 35

Finished Takopi Original Sin. This manga was a wild read that's for sure. Lots of twist and turns and the story overall is depressing but great. One thing I really love about this manga is the art style and how the author draws expressions. 8/10

0 4



1 9

Some details from the this time a bit of A and also a the favoured primary arms of the and side arm of the

2 3