I got this freeby gift by a friend of mine named NECR0MANlA (or serg) and it was referenced from a well known intelligence officer kornilov

(I will be moderating the comments section and im aware twitter is a hivemind for all vile cretins)

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. of the Kornilov Shock Regiment

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Drawing Kornilov's Shock Regiment in waifu version.

The Kornilov's Shock Regiment, one of the units of the Russian White Army, was named after Lavr Kornilov, a general of Siberian Cossack origin.

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God I love the Kornilov shock troop uniforms

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L'une de mes peintures préférées, par Ivan Aïvazovski (1886). Elle représente la parade navale de la flotte russe de la mer Noire en 1849, devant le tsar Nicolas Ier, accompagné de son fils, le tsarévitch Alexandre, de l’amiral Lazarev et des vice-amiraux Kornilov et Nakhimov...

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1st Russian Volunteer Strike Division "Kornilov's Own" or "Kornilovtsy" during the Second American Civil War.

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A découvrir le très beau travail de Slava Kornilov

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Wow 'Denis Kornilov' really knows how to re-touch

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