Phobos is lots of fun, thus this was a good volume.

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WTF I was joking about that at the start of the volume BUT ITS PRETTY MUCH LITERAL

(okay it's not *their* daughter, more like they were, uh, the midwives, but still lmao)

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Oh they had a daughter, congrats

Sheesh, a 201 page volume that's just three chapters.

Also, Vlin-- being listed as "Vlin-nantoka-san" in the character list.

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Volume 10. When we last left off we were meeting Evil Clarin and Project-2501-chan.

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Volume 8! This is (essentially) post-anime now. Technically the anime should end somewhere in this volume but the whole conflict with Ian and Fear plays out differently enough in the manga that it's essentially all new now.

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Volume 7!

Well that's sure her spine alright

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Oh, anime went into v7. Should only be part of it tho.

Anyway, this vol's Shirow pages. These don't appear to be characters who ended up being used, and it seems like we've gotten all the character concepts now.

Also cute bonus NeneClarion

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Really putting those color pages to work

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It's so frickin funny seeing Shirow Masamune's original concepts for the characters

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Volume 3. Gonna try to skim through this one a bit more quickly than usual until I hit post-anime volumes.

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「#紅殻のパンドラ 14(六道神士先生/士郎正宗先生)」


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