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Erupsi Krakatau lebih di kenal karena terjadi pada era teknologi komunikasi yang lebih maju yg menyebabkan beritanya lebih cepat tersebar dan lebih terdokumentasi. Padahal, daya erupsi Tambora 10 kali lipat dari Krakatau.

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A slice of black burst krakatau pizza~
Request by someone

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💡 Lo que debes saber del Anak Krakatau (Caldera

• Anak Krakatau es un volcán resurgente de la caldera Krakatau formada en 1883.
• No entró en erupción ahora, sino en junio de 2018 y se mantiene en curso.
• No activa ni influye en la actividad de otros volcanes.

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Hi Twitter, a reminder that this is what Krakatau (not Krakatoa, that's the wrong spelling) looks like. If you're shown footage with a large cone erupting that is from before it collapsed in late 2018.
The big cone is gone.
Easy fact check.

31 March 2020 PlanetScope image.

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2020 broke 💔💔

"dan begitulah azab Tuhanmu, apabila Dia mengazab penduduk negeri-negeri yang berbuat zalim. Sesungguhnya azab-Nya itu adalah sangat pedih lagi keras"
(Qs.Hud : 102)

dear Krakatau, jangan menangis dulu, Indonesia sedang bingung saat ini😢

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Krakatau is erupting nonstop for 2 hours 😭 I live in bogor and I can hear the noises as clear as everybody else hear. This feels like a nightmare. I hope everyone live near the eruption will be safe 🙏🏻 aamiin

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Anak Krakatau is erupting now. The first image is from our webcam:

The second photo was taken from our observatory (~43 km from the volcano).

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December 22, 2018, photos show Anak volcano both before & after a phreatic eruption triggered a massive landslide. The volcano's height went from 338 m to 110 m. At least 200 people have been killed after a tsunami hit the coast around Indonesia's Sunda Strait

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Day 17: volcano. I have always liked the nighttime photos of volcanoes. This one referenced from Anak Krakatau.

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New cloudless image of caldera acquired today, 2019-03-31 by 🛰. Fantastic! 🌋

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Diuji berulang kali, doa kita belum direstui. Sang anak krakataupun ikut menangis. Masih menahan dendam sang ibu atas perlakuan manusia terhadap alam. Binasalah, bagi kita yang tak paham nasihat orang - orang terdahulu ~

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