After spending her wayward youth as a bandit who robbed people in the woods, Hervor Angantysdotter led a group of ”vikings” and eventually visited her dead father’s burial mound, raised his spirit, and acquired his magical sword Tyrfing. 🖼 CG Kratzenstein-Stub

14 59

Kratzenfaust's my bangle, it transforms into a pair of electrical claws and covers me in a protective armor. It can also shift its forms from a melee focused, high speed build to a powerful pair of wrist mounted energy cannons

0 1

Katzenkostüm-Heaven. Nicht. 🐰🤭🤣

Was war der beste Aprilstreich, den man euch gespielt hat?

0 2

„Tropfentiere à la Zuckerdieb“

Jetzt hab ich’s mal versucht ! Sieht noch nicht ganz so aus wie ich mir das denke und lang genug hab ich auch nicht gewartet, aber es macht Spaß mit dem Zahnstocher rumzukratzen

2 34


Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Waste Type: Red

Kratzen is a cat. Part of the first generation of mutants she is unique in that she shows intelligence. She mutated into a human form and was mistaken as a cosplayer for years before being admitted as a Waste Rider.

5 10

Die Wölfe kratzen an der Tür

(Casper - Lang Lebe der Tod)

4 43

Klauz Kratzen: Tabaxi Rogue.

0 6

Alas! What have I done?
Where has love's frenzy
driven me?

Orpheus & Eurydice
CW Gluck

Art: CG Kratzenstein 1806

14 17

Christian Gottlieb Kratzenstein-Stub, Eros e Psiche

6 6