You only care about the merch money!! Not the results and certainly not the fans!!!

0 0

On the day of the Everton game a few weeks ago we looked at what 10 years of Stan Kroenke owning Arsenal has meant. The answer is damning. KSE have not been good owners but it is important to understand why is the message.

226 654

To the 10,000 Arsenal supporters on our weekly Friday newsletter: You have mail

Issue 288 front cover of the (by )

Buy it here: UK

Rest of the world:

28 91

Sunday is our last opportunity to make our voices heard publicly. 🤝

To all the fans that live far and wide help us by hitting the social networks with on Sunday.


17 45

This is my watercolour painting of scoring for against Newcastle.
Prints available on my shop:

See more at

0 2

Together we defeated the super league.
The fight is not over. Arsenal has to change.
And there is still much more to do.

199 804