[ / kttk manga ]

Missing them again <3

5 8

[TB] CHUNG TAY CHONG DICH VA CHIA SE KHO KHAN voi Khach hang bi anh huong boi Covid-19, Viettel kinh tang Quy khach them 50% luu luong data cua goi ST30K. Soan KTTK gui 191 de kiem tra luu luong. Kinh chuc Quy khach suc khoe va binh an. Chi tiet LH 198 (0d). Tran trong!

5 78

Y'all WakaBoku's hair without the scarf reminds me of KTTK's Kawa OMG ;///////;)

0 6

"W-wait wait, Ishikawa-kun! I'm not going with you there--"
"...huh? You don't want to eat somewhere nice? My treat, this time!"

14 37

Hagiwara-san made a poem for you!! Will you accept it...??

8 21

TW: Blood/Sickness

"Ah, it's already late in the afternoon... I wonder what time Kyousuke-san will arrive today..."

9 34

Kyousuke-san and Ishikawa-kun in modern fashion... they looked like they are posing for a magazine hahaha

13 45


0 7

Kttk Hirai and Akutagawa? They’re Boyfriends

2 7


21 47


15 46