+3 ans d'une prod compliquée, comme le 1er film d'animation chinois de kungfu. Budget: $1,4M / $4M selon sce (par ex: https://t.co/G1ihi9EUPj). Le film est aussi précurseur dans le pays pour son mélange 2D/3D. Ma vieille critique (j'étais un peu bourré): https://t.co/F8K1VgyeNq

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Based on how rapid the moves of the divine lasso were, I always thought it was similar to shaolin dao kungfu. In my case. I've been trying to study the Bagua Zhang

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Heres Alex, He had that playful attitude that love drawout fight and both fighter progressively reveal and increase their power.

He would start off with fighting styles that resemble real life kungfu. But as the fight go on you will see them slowly become mythical-novel kungfu.

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Day 31. Kungfu.
Went with some new colors I picked up.


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portrait of unseeliefae and her cat (who is not kungfu... somewhat) unseeliefae made some 3D props for the hotel. 15 out of 17 just 2 more to go

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[Ref sheet updated]
My character/sona 谢伟伦 (Wei Lun/ Waylon). 伟伦 in english is spelled Wei Lun which all his english speaking friends pronounces it as Waylon cause its phonetically similar. He's a PI (private investigator) that knows kungfu.

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I have come to the realization is the with Assault weapons, creatures and I'm so proud😄

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Coming out soon! "Don't tempt me!"
Inspired from the cutest master of kungfu. Be ready folks 👊💪

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