Orange : Kunyit
Grey : Cicak
Black white : Little Li
Daddy :

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"Mulih dari bendang, aku makan apa yang ada. Beras kampung aku bungkus terbit siang pagi tadi, dengan ayam aku rebus dengan kunyit dan tuhau di siring. Sudah cukup untuk aku dinihari, tenggelam malam petang ini."

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Idk i just love him

[ Diamond hali ] ( i just draw his eye like diamond lol) ( event its not like a diamond // di geplak kunyit// )

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Speaking of Strudel-cafe, a plot event is on again and this year I guess I'll post art for prompts here ouo

So to start it off is the usual ARPG player sheet, with my boi Kunyit-

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by 🌿

AND IT'S SO ADORABLE I ALMOST CRIED! 😭✨ There 's Chiba! And Kunyit, too! And my pink hair, too! Aaaaaaaaaa I'm gonna treasure this birthday gift 🌸🌿✨ THANK YOU, MBAK RENA! 😭💕


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I originally commissioned this to and I loved it! Look at Kunyit's big, fluffy belly! 🥰

If you love Vani's art, do follow her Twitter account and give some love to her work! ♥️

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