santa gave me the best christmas present this year <3

both of us would like to wish y’all merry christmas and happy holidays! 🤘

wonderful art by

8 29

she’s mine <3

going public with

officially together for half a year now. she’s the most caring person i’ve met and i never felt so loved before i met her

thank you for existing in my life, darling 🫶

art by wonderful

3 65

he's mine <3

you brighten my days even the rainy ones, sweet and addicting like chocolate, my angel in devil's clothing.
rls announcement w
thank you for showering me with so much love since the start, sweetie💖

beautiful art by

9 58

i took a pill in ibiza
and turned into a succubus

happy halloween y'all thirsty motherfuckers

made with novelai, generated by
edited by for the fucked up parts wahaha

2 11

day: ruined
image: cursed
hotel: trivago

1 5

お姫様 idol haru-chan, good lord what have i created

2 2

quick fanart of one hella dope devil

1 2