Cover for Vol.5 compilation of the manga written and illustrated by Hiroaki Mizusaki, "Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san", on sale August 8, 2022.

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Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san (Miss Kuroitsu from the Monster Development Department) - Blu-ray Bonus Illustrations

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Special visual for the franchise "Kaijin Kaihatsu-bu no Kuroitsu-san", starring the characters Koharu and Touka Kuroitsu, included in the recent edition of Megami Magazine 05/2022.

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This episode of Kuroitsu-san is now my favorite episode.
Not only it is a beach episode, but the final parts of the episode is the best, some toku jokes, some local heroes, and a surprise Minky Momo reference.
also tons of local heroes in this episode.

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Ese lobito antojando como siempre, es decir, las otras waifus no se quedan atrás en belleza

Pero este monstruo es bellísimo, encima nos regaló una escena yuri <3

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