Jandre Le Roux has revealed on his CV he will be playing Kuroobi in the One Piece Live Action

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Hoy cumple años Chew, uno de los tres oficiales gyojin de los Piratas Arlong junto con Hatchan y Kuroobi, y también antiguo miembro de los Piratas del Sol.

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Kuroobi and Inku have a son and later after 2 year they will adopt Margó
Sanji and Nioumi will have 2 Children : Sora and Harry

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yes i ship 2 of my ocs with 2 fandom characters
inku x Kuroobi and Sanji x Nioumi

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Sanji x Nioumi 🍳✏️❤️❤️
Kuroobi x Inku 🐟🦑♥️♥️ https://t.co/JHb88bzeSw

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Ifrit Jambe was combined with Sanji's Mutton Shot attack to defeat queen. This is the same attack he used to defeat Kuroobi. Sanji has much more powerful finisher kicks to offer, like Concassé! His full potential with this new power is yet to be tapped!

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Hoy cumple años Kuroobi, gyojin oficial de los Piratas de Arlong. En su día fue miembro de los Piratas del Sol y cuando la banda se dividió tras la muerte de Tiger, se fue con Arlong.

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I hesitate my icInku squid ( Kuroobi wife) (5 years old ) or Taylor ( Thomas twins sister) 😆 i let you choose

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名取と真中らぁらさん(小学6年生) (小学6年生)のツーショットWかしこま!

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Tadaaaam a new fake screenshot again 😆❤️😂
With the sun pirates 🏴‍☠️ ☀️
Between Kuroobi and Jinbei, there Inku feeding baby Kenshin 🍼🍼
what did you think about ?

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"were are my cuddles?" Inku×Kuroobi

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after Arlong defeat and Arlong park destruction, Inku and Kenshin coming back see everybody (even Alice and her daughters ocs) are gone
Arlong and his crew have been arrested,Inku and Kenshin will never seen Kuroobi again 😞😢😭

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