
カッコよくて、真っ直ぐで、困っている子がいたら全力で助けてくれるような頼れる女の子を描きたくて生まれたのがこの子です🥳1stシリーズは特に、心の赴くままに自由に筆を走らせた思い入れのあるイラストばかり🥰 https://t.co/G4kBzc9j7i

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🆕🇯🇵'Ore o Mitashite, Shouri no Megami-sama ~ Dekiai Kareshi no Hebiu-kyuu Ecchi' y (completo) de Pan Kuroshiba. Su musculoso cuerpo me persigue y me acorrala haciendo que me corra una y otra vez. Zettai Ryouiki R!/Suiseisha.

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Thank you all for participating our auction😆 I just sent you a gift as an appreciation from Yuyuharu, Shiroshiba and Kuroshiba! Please check your hidden folder for "Headwinds -smile-"

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都合のよきときに、富み栄えている人にへつらう友は、まことの友にあらず、都合の友なり。 by メナンドロス 「断片」

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自由は、君がそれを人に心から与えなければ、けっして獲得しえない唯一のものである。 by ホワイト (演説-1940)

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礼儀…文句なく是認される偽善。 by ビアス 「悪魔の辞典」

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幸福とは習性である。それを身につけるがよい。 by ハバード 「千と一つの格言」

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Don't forget the Night Market is opening with 3 new & ultra-rare stakeable - tmrw, April 11 @ 8pm CST!

Come hang out with us in Discord to celebrate! Voice chat with the team, plus $KURO and prizes, trivia, & music! 🥳🎉

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KuroShibaさん( )がNo.005の子をお迎えくださいました〜〜〜😭💕


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"Eren is Jack Russell Terrier, Mikasa is Akita, Armin is Shetland Sheepdog, Jean is Welsh Corgi, Connie is Shih Tzu, Levi is Kuroshiba, Hange is Dalmatian,
Reiner is German Shepherd, Gabi is Miniature Pinscher, Falco is Chihuahua"

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And here's a preview of the next limited drop on !

Only 100 copies will ever be minted, with minting fees paid in $KURO directly on our dApp.

More details (including pricing & staking ROI) in an upcoming Medium post!🍜🐺


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The public beta for the dApp is right around the corner!

Here's a sneak peek - stake to earn $KURO!

Join our Discord and keep a close eye on our announcements so you don't miss launch. 👀✨



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Don't settle for imitations! is OG doggy token on , made by and for the DeFi community.

is bringing yield-generating NFTs to Harmony! Stay tuned! 👀


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P.S. Who has a Toasty KURO they're willing to sell me? Totally forgot to send myself one when I minted them! 🍞🍉🍡

Will pay in $KURO!



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All Pumpkin KURO NFTs have sold out in just 5 hours! Amazing work, everyone! 100% of proceeds will go toward buying back and burning $KURO. 🔥🔥🔥


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Happy Halloween! 🎃 Here's a sneak peek at our limited edition Pumpkin Stay tuned for details on how to earn this cutie. 🦇


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Is the ONLY black and tan shiba Never seen any others!🐺 Let us know in the comments if you know of any! 👇


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Don't forget about the Gem Mine! 💎 Pay a one-time entry fee to "mine" $KURO. As of this tweet, the APY is 278% for 3 weeks of mining! NFA/DYOR! 😉


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Last, but certainly not least, major congrats to for winning the grand prize - "Lucky - in our first LP contest! 🪙💕


Thank you so much for providing $KURO : $ONE liquidity on


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