Kid kurt from Follow Me, Boys! - 1966

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My poster illustration for tribute to Wes Cravens, The Thing which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year!

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A lot of good artwork in this image serch. The in slot one is nice. The Counterpoint comes in the 4th slot with the linup

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Aw hell! A virus surviving “thing” hunter, and a psychopath are firefighters!? Sounds based an epic to me.

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I drew this a year ago while in hospital with Newt, and today it popped up in my memories….. not the best of memories but Happy birthday none the less! 😊

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To the Badass, Super Cool - Hero of Hollywood, Happy Birthday !
Follow the link to see the vectors.

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Death Proof (2007)

🎨 Featured Pop Culture Artists - 1. Colm Geoghegan ( ) 2. Livio Bernardo ( Livio Bernardo ) 3. Chris Garofalo ( ) 4. CranioDsgnStudio ( )

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Big Trouble in Little China (1986)

🎨 Featured Pop Culture Artists - 1. Nick Charge ( Nick Charge ) 2. Jeff Poitiers ( Jeff Poitiers ) 3. Peter Mahoney ( ) 4. Sam Gilbey ( )

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Escape from New York (1981)

🎨 Featured Pop Culture Artists - 1. Grzegorz Domaradzki ( Grzegorz Domaradzki
) 2. Steve Thomas ( stevethomasart ) 3. Nikos Bogris ( ) 4. Jeff Poitiers ( Jeff Poitiers )

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