This isn’t my art. The artist is @/kuzomari. But this is Kai. And yes he’s fine.

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I have an oc that intimates me so much that I had to commission @/kuzomari for one a while back… I honestly thought it would help but… I’m more intimidated than I was before…

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Ayy, moi c'est Airwarz, je dessine à la fois au Tradi et au digi, j utilise Clip Studio Paint et Medibang. Pour le tradi, juste des Promarker. Et j aime plus particulièrement le style de dessin de ces artistes là @/kuzomari etc..
So, here is my art ⬇️

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Made an OC Illustration for Kuzomari Discord's Server! Hope y'all Like it

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This is a rough character design for a long term manga I will be doing

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