Happy 6 months anniversary to the man ,the myth ,the legend himself Dr.Kyussi Pufferfyssi XDDD
Love ya kyo^^

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PRE-ORDER: 'Transmissions From Mothership Earth' by Nebula

Slept-on stoner/psych rock group Nebula have announced their second post-hiatus album.

Fans of Kyuss, Truckfighters, Lowrider, and Fu Manchu should get onto this.


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Have some Hookyussy with and without cum uwu

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-The real plot of the game-
What will end first: the game or their minds? Why does Sonic have his mouth centered in-game but not on cutscenes? Actual in-game kyuss?
These and more: next stream (which is tomorrow on Emy's channel so check it out if you can)
Also thank you both :V

6 19

Buon Star Wars Day! ✨
Pokémon Millennium ha avuto la spaziale idea di immaginare un mondo ibrido, in cui i Pokémon potessero assumere le sembianze dei personaggi e astronavi più noti del franchise targato Lucasfilm. 🚀

[Illustrazione realizzata dalla nostra kyussan]

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Arial Horizon
Arial Horizon carries the goddess of the desert on her mission to oversee her domain.

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With 8 new drawings complete but uncoloured, round 3 of my illustration continuum will be getting oceanic. Here are the prior 16 of this wildlife loving dedication.

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Hi, I'm Kyussan! Thanx for the opportunity first <3 If you like what I do, please check more of my works by 'kyussan' on Insta!

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My little shadow warlock, Kyuss. 🖤

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During ⚡️🐱 🐱⚡️ I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!

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大口亭を離れて その6 迷ったら面白い方を選択するのが私のスタイル

と、いうわけで、本日紹介するElder Evilsは”歩くワーム”キュス(Worm that Walks Kyuss)です。蚯蚓か蛆虫が集合して人型になったような外見をしています。#TRPG

5 19

Brant Bjork "Brant Bjork"

Kyussの解散後は様々な音楽活動を展開しているストーナー界の巨頭が新譜を発表 野蛮に軋むFUZZの重低音を最小限の音数で煙たく轟かせており, 乾き切った音像の中で醒めたグルーヴとクールなサイケ感が絶妙に合わさっている ゆったりと音に身を委ねると開放的な気分になる

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I commissioned the wonderful to capture a scene from my Wednesday game that blew me away. The three main goddesses of our campaign are debating whether or not to bring us back to life, or to let Kyuss destroy Waterdeep. I couldn't be more thrilled with it!!

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This boy been havin' a rough time....Kyuss doodle 👹#dungeonsanddragons

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Ce vendredi dans votre librairie ! (2/6)

L'affrontement entre Astra et son ancien ami débute dans ce troisième tome de It's My Life !

Malgré la rage dont fait preuve Kyuss face à Astra, le déteste t'il vraiment autant qu'il l'affirme ?

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The Spawn of Kyuss - a mass infection of burrowing worms would trouble even the most skilled adventurer.

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Kyuss in Mantasia: I'm Not Scared 2016

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