"Sonic HTML5" seems to be a surprisingly good port of the Master System Sonic 1, so much so that I suspected it was actually emulated until noticing a few inaccuracies, minus the usage of the Somari hack's title screen instead of the SMS title screen

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1/15 디페 "E22b"🌟1/16 아이소 "L5"
지인분께서 디페+아이소 부스에 위탁을 소량해주신다고 해서 내스급과 전독시 엽서 카드택 및 포토카드 세트 판매할것 같아요☺️ 관심있으신분들 행사장에서 확인해주세요🙏💕💕

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beating 遊びに行きます!

Join me at "beating!! vol5" on Oct 6th. RSVP at https://t.co/zKHfUyN0v1

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Join me at "beating!! vol5" on Oct 6th. RSVP at https://t.co/XtUEAD3neN

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8.26 HUH@落合SOUP "遮断2"
8.28 Session@幡ヶ谷FORESTLIMIT "と即"
8.29 Duo with 永田健太郎@頭Bar "pull5"
8.31 Praymate@幡ヶ谷FORESTLIMIT "Rumble#3"
9.1 HUH@落合SOUP "強く押す#9"

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"R8 me pl5" pt.2 - The Re-rate

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