Day 12 (#inktoberday31 hooray it's over) of and the final labour of Hercules was to capture the 3-headed dog, Cerberus. This involved a trip to the Land of the Dead so fairly apt for

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Day 11 (#inktoberday31 again) of and the eleventh labour of Hercules was to steal the Apples of the Hesperides. Here's Hercules with the Hesperides' dad, Atlas.

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Day 10 (#inktoberday31 or whatever) of and Hercules' tenth labour was to obtain the cattle of Geryon. Odd looking bloke that Geryon.

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Day 9 (#inktoberday30 will I make it?!) The 9th labour of Hercules was to obtain the Girdle of Hippolyte, Amazon queen.

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Day 8 (#inktoberday29 aka don't start what you can't finish) of & the 8th labour of Hercules was to steal the man-eating Mares of Diomedes. There were technically 3 Mares but I didn't bother with the 3rd. So sue me

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Day 7 (#inktoberday21 ...) of and the 7th labour of Hercules was to capture the Cretan Bull.

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Day 6 (#inktoberday19 you know the score) of Hercules' 6th task was to kill the Stymphalian Birds. They had bronze beaks, metal feathers and poisonous poo.

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Day 5 (#inktoberday17 yada yada yada) of and the fifth labour of Hercules was to clean the Augean stables in one day. Hercules diverted two rivers through the stables creating instant squeaky-clean freshness.

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Day 4 (#inktoberday13 blah blah blah) of The fourth labour of Hercules was to catch the Erymanthian Boar

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Day 2 (#inktoberday6 for most) of and the second labour of Hercules was to slay the Lernean Hydra

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Already 4 days late for and there's no way I'll keep this up daily, so I figured 12 would be more manageable. So here's the first of the

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