The bush-antlered deer (Eucladoceros dicaranios) from the early Pleistocene of Europe & Asia.

(Credit Satoshi Kawasaki)

31 260

I like deers. Megaloceros, Eucladoceros, Candiacervus

132 1079

Eucladoceros I forgot to post!!

2 20

Fuzzy gladocephaloideus!

125 733

Eucladoceros senezensis

87 715

Think I’ll go with a eucladoceros this time

1 5

Waterfleas (Cladocera) are a group of planktonic branchiopod crustaceans, characterized by fused compound eyes and arm-like swimming limbs which are actually antennae. Most of them are detritus feeders, but some species are predators that feed on other zooplanktons.

29 82

One specimen of Gladocephaloideus is so complete and well-preserved that it even includes traces of hair-like pycnofibers.

20 77

The bush-antlered deer (Eucladoceros dicaranios) from the early Pleistocene of Europe & Asia.

(Credit: Satoshi Kawasaki)

111 482

La compleja labor de ordenar

26 64