kronya from fire emblem as sexy lamia
Commissioned by
message me if you want something like this

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Thank you everyone had alot of fun on tonight's hope you all have a goodnight 🐍 😴

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Had fun streaming I'll be back later today to stream again so stay tune 🐍#Viperous

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Just giving an update I'm going to stream tomorrow morning around 8am hope to see you all there 🐍

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Thank you everyone for tonight's stream a Had alot of fun hope to see you all tomorrow 🐍 😊

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Random Lore Tidbit: Though born as a Sorcerer Cecil is also a Warlock.

Also have a sketch for another emote I am working on!

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I finished my heart emote! I love how it came out! I've also closed my commissions for now since I've got a lot at the moment.

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Here is the sketch for the heart emote I am working on! Thank you to those who dropped by the stream! Head Pats and Sirius with a gun are on my list of emotes as well.

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